The Truth About HVAC Efficiency: Debunking Common Misconceptions

Separating Fact from Fiction in the World of HVAC

At Engineered Air, LLC, we’re committed to providing top-notch AC Repair and HVAC Installation services to our valued customers in Lighth. As experts in the field, we often encounter various myths and misconceptions about heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Today, we’d like to address one of the most persistent myths in our industry:

Myth: Closing vents in unused rooms saves energy and money

Many homeowners believe that closing vents in unoccupied rooms will reduce energy consumption and lower their utility bills. However, this common practice can actually have the opposite effect and potentially damage your HVAC system.

Here’s why closing vents is not recommended:

  • Increased pressure: Closing vents creates additional pressure in your ductwork, forcing your system to work harder.
  • Reduced efficiency: The added strain on your HVAC unit can lead to decreased overall efficiency and higher energy costs.
  • Potential damage: Excess pressure can cause leaks in your ductwork or even damage your HVAC system components.
  • Uneven temperature distribution: Closing vents disrupts the balanced airflow designed for your home, leading to inconsistent temperatures throughout the house.

Instead of closing vents, we recommend the following energy-saving tips:

  1. Regular maintenance: Schedule annual tune-ups to keep your system running efficiently.
  2. Proper insulation: Ensure your home is well-insulated to maintain desired temperatures.
  3. Smart thermostat usage: Invest in a programmable thermostat to optimize your HVAC system’s performance.
  4. Air filter replacement: Change your air filters regularly to improve air quality and system efficiency.

At Engineered Air, LLC, we’re here to help you maximize your HVAC system’s performance while keeping your energy costs in check. If you have any questions about your heating and cooling needs or would like to schedule a service, don’t hesitate to contact our team of experienced professionals.