The Truth About Furnace Efficiency: Debunking a Common Myth

Separating Fact from Fiction in Home Heating

At Energy Services, we often encounter misconceptions about home heating systems. Today, we’re tackling a persistent myth that has been circulating for years in the world of home heating:

The Myth: Cranking up your thermostat will heat your home faster

Many homeowners believe that setting their thermostat to a higher temperature than desired will warm up their house more quickly. This is a common misconception that we at Energy Services Air Conditioning and Heating Company want to address.

The Truth:

Your furnace works at the same rate regardless of how high you set the thermostat. Here’s why this myth doesn’t hold up:

  • Furnaces don’t have “speed settings” for heating
  • The system will run until it reaches the set temperature
  • Higher settings waste energy and increase utility bills

The Better Approach:

Instead of cranking up the heat, consider these energy-efficient alternatives:

1. Invest in regular furnace maintenance
2. Ensure proper insulation in your home
3. Use a programmable thermostat for consistent temperatures

At Energy Services, we specialize in Furnace Repair and maintenance to keep your system running efficiently. By understanding how your heating system truly works, you can save energy and money while maintaining a comfortable home environment.

Remember, when it comes to home heating, patience is key. Set your thermostat to your desired temperature and let your furnace do its job effectively and efficiently.