A Day in the Life of an HVAC Technician at Aqua Plumbing & Air

Rise and Shine

My day as an HVAC technician at Aqua Plumbing & Air starts early. I’m up at 6 AM, grabbing a quick breakfast before heading to our headquarters in Sarasota, FL. The sun is just peeking over the horizon as I arrive at the office, ready to tackle whatever challenges the day might bring.

Morning Briefing

At 7:30 AM, we have our daily team meeting. Our supervisor goes over the schedule for the day, assigning tasks and discussing any special considerations for each job. Today, I’m slated for an air conditioning installation in Bradenton and an AC repair in Venice.

First Stop: Bradenton

By 8:30 AM, I’m on the road to my first appointment. The Florida heat is already building, reminding me why our services are so crucial in this climate. I arrive at the client’s home and begin the process of installing their new air conditioning system. This involves:

  • Removing the old unit
  • Preparing the area for the new installation
  • Installing the new AC unit
  • Testing and calibrating the system

Lunch Break

After finishing up in Bradenton, I take a quick lunch break. It’s a chance to recharge and prepare for the afternoon ahead.

Afternoon in Venice

My next stop is in Venice, where a homeowner is experiencing issues with their AC. I conduct a thorough inspection, identify the problem, and perform the necessary repairs. It’s satisfying to see the relief on the client’s face when cool air starts flowing again.

Wrapping Up

As the day winds down, I head back to the office to file my reports and restock my truck for tomorrow. It’s been a busy day, but knowing I’ve helped keep our clients comfortable makes it all worthwhile.

Working for Aqua Plumbing & Air isn’t just a job – it’s a commitment to ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of our community across Sarasota, Manatee, Bradenton, Parrish, Venice, and Palmetto. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to learn, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.